Friday, September 25, 2015

Cade Lawton Best 10 Week 3 9/25/15


  1. I really like the 8th picture in this set. Well I really like all of them, but I think the eight one is really well framed with the space on each side of the light, and the dot in the middle of the spiral is pretty well centered in the picture.

  2. Picture 5: Nice use of rule of thirds; light concentrated mainly in the right 2/3 of the photo and it really works for the composition.

  3. The 10th image has a successful composition, the leading lines in the background do a good job of leading the eye to the subjects, and it feels very balanced despite the angle of the shot

  4. I really like the third picture, you captured a lot of the movement of the hula hoop and the silhouette of the person makes the composition much more interesting.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. All of these show such great composition. Such an creative and inventive way to portray motion!

  7. Great use of long exposure for all these shots! The patterns and shapes created are unique and very appealing to the eye.

  8. Great at capturing motion! The second image creates very interesting patterns and sense of movement that makes it very interesting.

  9. I love the implied circular motion that exists in the second image it continues to draw my eye around the center of the photograph.
